Sunday, February 24, 2008

Meet Spencer

Spencer is paired with Lily and is Kilroy and Papa Blue's son. Papa Blue is a normal split for rosy, and Kilroy is a rosy with rosy parents. Spencer and Lily are hatching their first clutch!

Meet Lily

This is Lily - She is not related to any of our Bourke's. She hatched in December of 2006 and is expecting her first clutch to hatch around March 9. Click the image to view it more clearly.

Lily and Spencer's first clutch!

Lily has laid five eggs! They are due to hatch around March the 9th, and one is already reserved. Spencer is Kilroy and Papa Blue's son. Kilroy is from Rosy parents, and Papa Blue is a Normal split for Rosy. All their babies will be Rosies.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog! Feel free to visit this blog frequently as I will be posting some exciting events, such as photos of new babies as they hatch and develop. I'll also be posting photos of our adult pet Bourke's who enjoy being parents from time to time. In case you're wondering who the lovely Bourke's is in the header above, that is Kilroy, our first Bourke's. She is 6 yrs old in that photo, and was hatched in December of 2000. She is very tame, bonded to my husband, and loves being a mama. The youngster on the toy to the right is one of her offspring, and that photo was sent to me from her new family.
Visit Shirley's Bourke's and Companion Parrot Media